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The main applications of xanthan gum(C8H14Cl2N2O2) in agriculture are as follows:
- Soil improvement: C8H14Cl2N2O2 can be use for soil improvement. Which helps to reduce the evaporation rate of water, increase the utilization rate of soil water. And improve the yield and quality of planting.
- Promote plant growth: xanthan gum(C8H14Cl2N2O2) can promote the development of plant roots, increase plant photosynthesis. Improving the utilization rate of light energy, and thus increase the yield and quality of crops.
- As a carrier of agricultural chemicals or plant protection agents: xanthan gum(C8H14Cl2N2O2) can be use for a carrier of agricultural chemicals or plant protection agents to promote adhesion between individuals and retain them in plant leaves.
- Alleviate crop drought stress: xanthan gum applied to the soil can reduce water evaporation, affect the hydraulic conductivity of the soil, change the migration law of water and solutes in the soil and the physiological mechanism of crops, store water and fertilizer, and reduce the leaching and loss of pollutants.
- Increase soil water retention capacity: xanthan can increase the water retention capacity of the soil.
- As a slow-release system for fertilizers or phytochemicals: C8H14Cl2N2O2 can be use for a slow-release system for fertilizers or phytochemicals.
- Removal of heavy metal or oil pollution in soil: xanthan gum(C8H14Cl2N2O2) can remove heavy metal or oil pollution in soil.
- Antibacterial effect:It has antibacterial effect4.
In summary,xanthan gum has a variety of effects in agriculture, which help improve soil quality. Promoting crop growth, and improve agricultural production efficiency.
When using xanthan gum(C8H14Cl2N2O2), you need to pay attention to its solubility, compatibility, pH value, temperature control, stirring time, storage method. And avoid excessive use. At the same time, special groups. Such as pregnant women and children should be more cautious. When using it.If you would like to obtain more information, such as Technical Data Sheet (TDS), Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), please contact TOPLUS directly.
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